Major releases of PSL and Prover iLock

We are proud to present new major versions of two of our most important products! Thanks to all of you who provided us with feedback about your project needs. We are determined to always improve our solutions and to be the obvious choice for everyone who wants to automate their processes.

PSL 4 – model checking with floating point numbers

PSL is the fastest and most powerful model checker on the market. PSL is the core of Prover Certifier and included in Prover iLock.

Version 4 comes with support for floating point numbers, requested especially by customers who want to verify onboard systems. We also improved performance, included some new proof strategies, and provided more detailed error messages to make debugging work more effective.

Floating point numbers can surprise. Rounding errors are very difficult to discover and understand the impact of. With PSL 4 you can check that your implementation follows the IEEE 754 standard and, for example, that numbers stay within intended limits. Check out the technical blog post that our developer Lars Helander wrote. It is about a toy example but demonstrates the idea nicely.

Floating point numbers are becoming more and more important. We see them in onboard signaling systems for trains, but also in many automotive applications. It is notoriously difficult to verify correctness of floating point algorithms in general, but for several industrial applications it works just fine. We are excited to pioneer the area of floating point verification!

Prover iLock 5 – with a new layout editor and improved formal verification

Prover iLock is a complete signaling design automation solution, including code generation, simulation and formal verification. Configure it with your own formal specification of signaling principles and you are ready to produce interlocking systems by simply adding track layouts and configuration tables for the interlocking you want to produce.

Version 5 comes with a new track layout editor, which is more flexible, effective and precise. By working with track layouts for many years we have learned what really matters for efficiency and reliability. With the new layout editor, you can more easily add, remove or move tracks, signals and switches (points).

If you prefer, you can import the layout from a database and visualize it in Prover iLock. You can edit or add symbols with a vector graphics program of your choice, because symbols are now standard svg. The layout is saved in the LCF format, another Prover innovation, which allows for easy inspection of logical differences between versions, as well as for efficient data validation necessary to meet CENELEC EN50128 T3 requirements. In fact, we are excited to support the LCF format in Prover iLock, as it provides a way to store configuration data in a machine-readable form which is also easy to understand by human reviewers.

We also upgraded the model checker in Prover iLock Verifier to the fastest one on the market, our PSL 4. Prover iLock Verifier continues to provide the well-received graphical user interface for formal verification work, but you will experience a speed-up and have access to more proof strategies than before.

How safe and efficient are your rail control systems? Let’s find out!

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