Formal specification

Formal specification

A mathematical description (formalization) of the properties and behavior of a software system.

A mathematical description of the properties and behavior of a software system.


Specifying your requirements in the tender process is a critical first step

Of all the steps involved in the tendering process for railway signaling systems, one thing can impact your project the most – your new system’s specifications.

Any errors or omissions in your specifications will impact the later steps in the tender and development process. Mistakes introduced early and discovered late will be costly to correct.

Digital Twin

How to get your rail control project off to a better start

At Prover we help you getting the specifications right from the start, already at the tendering phase. Getting the specifications right from the start will help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure the right system is built in the first place.

To ensure your specifications are high-quality, we validate them through simulation and formal verification. This is done with our formal methods and the digital twin of your existing and future system.

Read more about a digital twin in rail control project.

Rail control project
digital twin rail control

How to develop specifications and digital twins using formal methods

When creating a digital twin of your rail control system, the first step is to specify the requirements for the function and safety of the system. These requirements are then used to define the design specification for the implementation.

An object model is also defined, serving as a common interface for the test, safety and design specifications, so that these can be developed independently. The digital twin is then used in an iterative process to validate and refine the requirements.

High-quality and formal specifications make it possible to:

  • Procure the best solution and service for the best price

  • Efficiently handle change requests and upgrades after commissioning

  • Minimize risk for project delays

  • Automatically prove safety

  • Automate the development process

  • Validate that the delivered system meets requirements and expectations

  • Simplify maintenance and upgrades after commissioning

Guide digital twins

How to develop rail control software with signaling design automation and digital twins


Prover’s innovative solutions brings benefits to many types of rail control projects


Prover Studio – An integrated development environment for formal specifications

Prover Studio is a development environment integrated with the Prover iLock tool that helps you manage, develop and maintain formal specifications.


How much can you save by implementing Signaling Design Automation?

In this meeting you’ll find out how digital twins and formal methods can help you achieve your rail control projects in less time and lower costs. And 100% secure system.


Mats Boman
Title, Prover

”We can map the complete workings of a unit at the heart of the cycle, look inside it and see what’s going on.”


Mats Boman
Title, Prover

”We can map the complete workings of a unit at the heart of the cycle, look inside it and see what’s going on.”